WCLA is accepting applications for the 24-25 school year!
WCLA is a FREE public high school for grades 9 – age 22. Students come to school Monday – Thursday for part of the school day and work from home the remainder of the time. Students work completely from home on Friday. Depending on what courses a student needs, the REQUIRED school hours are either 7:25 a.m. – 10:50 a.m. (Wed. 10:20 dismissal) OR 11:25 a.m. – 2:45 p.m. Monday through Thursday. Complete the enrollment application on our website under the “Enroll Now” tab or call 419-227-9252.

Free Learning for Grades 9-12
From the Desk of the Superintendent
Welcome to the West Central Learning Academy (WCLA II), where our mission is to provide a safe, supportive, flexible learning environment. We are a tuition-free public school, offering a vast array of courses for students to learn at their own pace. WCLA II is a blended learning environment that allows students to complete some of their coursework from home and some at school. Additionally, WCLA II offers early graduation opportunities for eligible students; workplace credentials; and a drop-out prevention recovery program for students ages 16-22 who are either behind in their credits or have already dropped out of school, and would like to earn a high school diploma. WCLA II is accredited by the State of Ohio, and students meeting Ohio graduation requirements are eligible to earn a high school diploma. Students are permitted to borrow a laptop for the school year, and have the opportunity to attend Apollo Career Center, or participate in College Credit Plus.